Gosh. I don’t expect QWERTY to talk like that. I expected it to be more like BeeBop, I guess. Olé.
The Spine looks so cool!
You could say he’s
and so cool
I’d LOVE a sombrero! I like how The Spine looks too, but it would be legit scary to turn around and see a giant metal snake with a head on it and glowing eyes.
Is there a limit to the reach of The Spine’s extendable neck? It is so cool to see that it it can get so long as to where you can no longer see his body.
I feel like everyone is all ‘SPINNEEE YUSSS *SwoOn* while I swooned quite a while back with Rabbit’s first page. xD
(And Spine’s looking pretty terrifying so far tbh….)
You know, the fact that Bunny drew all this is amazing… I love the style… Sure as heck puts my drawings to shame *snicker* oh well… And if you’re reading this Bunny, keep up the fantastic work, we love it!
Lmao these comics are perfect xD and the comments are funny. Nice to see inside the lore…! You’re very talented not just drawing but at storytelling too, Isabella!
Loven this.
Gosh. I don’t expect QWERTY to talk like that. I expected it to be more like BeeBop, I guess. Olé.
The Spine looks so cool!
You could say he’s
and so cool
It’s epic…and sooo cool… It’s our automatronic electronic harmonics… ( sorry if I slaughtered that I was going off my not so great memory)
QWERTY says the darndest things
I’d LOVE a sombrero! I like how The Spine looks too, but it would be legit scary to turn around and see a giant metal snake with a head on it and glowing eyes.
-awkward swooning here plz-
I’ve missed this page. <3
Is there a limit to the reach of The Spine’s extendable neck? It is so cool to see that it it can get so long as to where you can no longer see his body.
That… is his spine and his head and spine is detachable.
I love this! He looks so spooky.
Snakey Spine has some ‘splaining to do.
But if he tries, Lorene might freak out and run away. Mebbe he knows this and decided to…
Quit while he’s a head 😀
[sometimes I really can’t help myself]
I really wish I expected that and am disappointed in myself that I didn’t.
How can one like this more
Poor Lorene is having such crazy day! She’s gonna need a good, long nap later…
Heh, sombrero. The Spine looks really cool, and sorta terrifying. In a good way, of course 😀
Why is it Spine still looks dashing even when he doesn’t have his body on?
The Spiiinnneee! *swoon* At last! I wish all awkward things in life could be solved by adding sombreros and The Spine.
lol i love QWERTY! and the Spine looks so cool in this page (>^///w///^<)
Spine!!! I’ve been waiting for you!!!
Pfff omg QWERTY, that’s the best way to deal with something that doesn’t compute. Just put a sombrero on it XD
I feel like everyone is all ‘SPINNEEE YUSSS *SwoOn* while I swooned quite a while back with Rabbit’s first page. xD
(And Spine’s looking pretty terrifying so far tbh….)
Hi spine! Snaky spine!
the sombrero thing killed me
HAHA! “snake-thingy” *laughs* So perfect!
QWERTY is so funny! And poor Lorene, what a first encounter with the Walters!
Adding sombrero. Ole.
this is terrifying yo
You know, the fact that Bunny drew all this is amazing… I love the style… Sure as heck puts my drawings to shame *snicker* oh well… And if you’re reading this Bunny, keep up the fantastic work, we love it!
This would be great animated. ;o
Say what?
I’m just sayin’
Say whaat?
Lmao these comics are perfect xD and the comments are funny. Nice to see inside the lore…! You’re very talented not just drawing but at storytelling too, Isabella!
Is there a way to purchase a physical copy of the comic
Is there a way to purchase physical copies of the comics?
What a worm.